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Your Emotional Immunity Needs A Boost Amid COVID-19, Here's How To Do It

Your Emotional Immunity Needs A Boost Amid COVID-19, Here's How To Do It Photo credit - pexels Did you know that at every moment, our thoughts and emotions radiate into the environment as emotional vibrational frequencies? Our personal vibrational frequency is a part of the Global Vibrational Frequency, contributing to the Collective Consciousness of our planet. In the wake of Covid-19, we are creating low frequency vibrations like stress, fear, and insecurity over the last three-four months. We are caught in a vicious cycle of creating, radiating, consuming, and getting influenced. Hence, our vibrational frequency and Global Vibrational Frequency are dropping. Our immediate responsibility is to raise our vibrational frequency.  There is a steep rise in depression, anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, domestic violence and divorce rate. We are not recognising them to be outcomes of lack of emotional strength. Instead we are validating them as “normal” reactions to the situation.  I

Reasons of migraine that are Much More Than Just Stress

Reasons of migraine that are Much More Than Just Stress

Reasons of migraine that are Much More Than Just Stress,stress,migraine,how to get rid of migraine,migraine reasons,   migraine,migraines,migraine relief,migraine headache,migraine headaches,what is a migraine,migraine treatment,migraine aura,migraine symptoms,what are migraines,what is a migraine headache,migraines and headaches,migraine headache symptoms,migraine 101,migraine and,migraine meds,migraine help,aura migraine,the migraines,about migraine,acute migraine,migraine stages,migraine nausea,gamers migraine,what is migraine,ocular migraine,migrane,about migraines,complex migraine,retinal migraine

This year has been undeniably stressful. If you’re experiencing more migraines, it could be because of stress, but the complete list of migraine triggers is long. Nada Hindiyeh, MD, a headache specialist and clinical assistant professor of neurology at Stanford University, says that migraines can happen when you deviate from your routine.

“By far the most common trigger that we see is stress and about 70 percent of people with migraine are going to report that,” says Dr. Hindiyeh. “But so many other things can be triggers. One of the most important things I actually recommend to people with migraines or headaches is a really routine lifestyle because when you get thrown off or your brain gets thrown off, that’s when a lot of migraines can happen.”

These changes in routine have been particularly common over the past few months.“Because people have changes thier routines throughout this pandemic,so a lot of these things start to come into play.

“You’re no longer going to the office at the same time, waking up at the same time, eating at the same time.” She explains that these changes in routine trigger hormonal changes and neuropeptide changes in the brain. “When you get triggered down that neuronal pathway, one of the pathways that gets triggered is pain, because the brain senses something is off or different.”

Stephen Silberstein, MD, director of the Headache Center at Jefferson University in Philadelphia, says first it’s important to know the textbook definition of a migraine.

“A migraine simply a headache, but it has different characteristics; a Picasso and a Rembrandt are both painters, but they have different characteristics"

“If you have a severe headache that comes and goes, that interferes with your life it’s more than likely migraine.

The characteristics are sometime moderate to severe, often throbbing.

You don’t feel like moving about, it’s often one-sided, you’re often sick to your stomach, you may have a sensitivity to light or sound.”

Adelene Jann, MD, migraine specialist and clinical assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at NYU Langone Health, says migraines typically last anywhere from four hours up to three days. Genetics also play a role. Dr. Jann says women are more likely to suffer from migraines than men. Dr. Hindiyeh adds that migraines are hereditary. “It’s a genetic disease, it’s hereditary, so people are born with a predisposition to having a hyperexcitable or hypersensitive brain,” says Dr. Hindiyeh.

To prevent migraines, it’s important to understand your triggers. Explore the list of migraine triggers, below.

List of potential migraine triggers related to changes in routine

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1. Dehydration

“Dehydration is a big one, especially in the summer when it’s hot,” says Dr. Hindiyeh. To make sure you’re getting enough water, consider setting reminders or investing in a big water bottle.

2. Changes in weather

Many feel that they can predict the weather with their migraines. Dr. Hindiyeh says that for a lot of people, changes in weather, hot weather specifically for some and for cold weather for others, can cause a migraine.

3. Skipping a meal

“Skipping a meal can be a big reason as well,” says Dr. Hindiyeh. “We have the people really routinely eat their meals at the same time every day.”

4. Changes in sleep

“Changes in sleep are another very, very big trigger,” says Dr. Hindiyeh. “It’s really about consistency.” You’ll want to make sure you’re going to bed at the same time every day, waking up at the same time every day, and not napping.

5. Hormonal changes

Menstrual cycles can also play a huge role. “We oftentimes see migraine first start in girls right around puberty around the time of their menarche,” says Dr. Hindiyeh.  She says many experience more frequent migraines around their period. “For two-thirds of women, after menopause is when things actually get a lot better.”

6. Certain medications

“If you’re overusing certain medications, certain over the counter medications, or even migraine prescription medications, they can cause worsening or increased frequency of migraines,” says Dr. Hindiyeh. “Think about Advil or Tylenol. You think ‘Oh yeah, I can use that every once in a while.’ But when you start to use any of these more than 10 days a month, they can trigger more and more and more migraines.”

7. Extended screen time

“During this time people are on their screens—on their computers, on their iPad, on their phones—more than ever before,” says Dr. Hindiyeh. “Life has really shifted to a model where we have to use those constantly. And so the bright light from the screen or that constant need to be in front of it and trying to focus, that can be a huge trigger. I really recommend that people take breaks from it at least once every hour. Getting up and moving away from your screens.”

8. Skipping workouts

“One of my favorite things actually to help prevent migraine, and I can’t recommend this enough, is daily aerobic exercise,” says Dr. Hindiyeh. “That’s another huge reason people are getting more migraine now because they’re not doing their exercise routine. So we know that daily aerobic exercise will help prevent migraines. But people aren’t able to go to the gym and maybe for them, a home workout isn’t as successful. Being thrown off that routine can be a big, big trigger as well.”


Identifying your triggers and getting help

Migraines can often have more than one trigger. Dr. Jann recommends tracking your migraines to try to pinpoint triggers.

“Keeping a headache diary can help track the frequency of your migraines and whether or not they are associated with common triggers, like menstruation, the weather, or certain foods,” says Dr. Jann. “The diary can be done on paper or on app on your phone. Be sure to bring your headache diary to your doctor’s appointment so that the doctor can review it and come up with treatment options.”

If the thought of tracking your migraines stresses you out, Dr. Hindiyeh says just being self-aware can help. “If you know that you’re on a very strict routine, you haven’t changed your sleeping schedule, you haven’t skipped any meals, you haven’t done this, but maybe you’re you realize ‘okay, well I’m spending so much more time on the screen, something feels different,’ then that certainly can be playing a big role.”

Many migraines go untreated. Dr. Silberstein explains that there are a lot of treatments for migraines. “There are things like yoga, biofeedback, and meditation,” says Dr. Silberstien. “They enable you to stabilize your brain, they can actually relieve and prevent migraine. And there are new devices that are noninvasive which can be applied to your arm, your head, or your neck, and actually prevent and turn off a migraine attack.” Be sure to check in with your doctor and explore all of your options.


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